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撰文:馬錦文醫生(香港移植學會會長,亞洲移植學會副會長) 由於需要長期服用抗排斥藥,移植病人受到感染的風險比健康人士較高。近年來愈來愈多腎移植病人診斷受到一種「蠱惑的病毒」感染。這種病毒叫BK病毒,屬於人類多瘤病毒(Polyomavirus),廣泛存在自然環境中。...
最近,劍橋大學在媒體發表了有關腎臟移植的重大突破。他們運用嶄新的分子技術,去改變移植腎臟的血型,去克服跨血型移植的免疫屏障。 一般而言,當進行誇血型腎臟移植時,受贈者體內的血型抗體會引發對移植腎臟的排斥反應。現時跨血型腎臟移是以「除敏化」的療程,去降低受贈者體內血型抗體的濃...
Corneal transplantation – A Beacon of Hope for the last 60 Years!
Dr Ka Wai KAM; Prof Alvin L. YOUNG Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Prince of Wales...
Age of Extinction?
Dr Kenneth Siu Ho Chok Consultant Department of Surgery The University of Hong Kong In Hong Kong, about 8% of all liver transplants are...
The recent trends and changes on corneal transplantation in Hong Kong
Dr Alvin Young, Council member, HKST. (Chief of Service & NTEC Cluster Coordinator (O&VS), Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences,...
Heart transplantation
Dr Cheng Lik Cheung Heart transplantation beyond 2011- continuous evolution and new challenges in Hong Kong The first heart...
Introduction to bone marrow transplantation
Dr. Au Wing Yan January 2008 Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is now more appropriately termed hemopoietic stem cell transplantation...
Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) in children
Dr. Li Chi-Kong January 2008 The principle of HSCT in children is same as adult HSCT, however the disease spectrum and the choice of stem...
Lung Transplant in Hong Kong
Dr. CF Wong Introduction Since the first successful clinical lung transplant in the early 80’s, this procedure has evolved greatly over...
Post Solid Organ Transplant Malignancies in Hong Kong
Dr. Chau Ka Foon April 2007 Renal transplantation was started in Hong Kong in 1969. Amongst 3794 renal transplants (male: 2237; female:...
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