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Types of membership


Full members have to be actively involved with transplantation or organ and tissue harvesting and have actual or practical knowledge in the field.


Associate members have to demonstrate satisfactorily a keen interest in the pursuit of the science of Transplantation or organ and tissue harvesting. Associate members shall have no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office.

Application / Annual Membership Fee:
Full Member: HK$100
Associate Member: HK$50


Please note that a member/associate member shall cease to be a member/ association member if he/she fails to make payment of outstanding membership fees for two consecutive year.

Application for Membership:

Application for membership must be made online. Additional Proposer Form has to be submitted for all new members application. 

Proposer form has to be  signed by the applicant, the proposer and the seconder. The applicant shall become a member when his application is approved by the Council and the prescribed fees are paid.

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