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香港 移植學會.


  1. 提昇社會大眾對器官捐贈與移植的興趣,並認識其最新之科技發展;

  2. 提昇大眾對器官捐贈的認受性。

  3. 推動移植醫學的科學研究與教育,培訓專門人材,使他們能掌握及應用國際尖端的發展與科技。同時為公眾提供有關移植醫學的最新資訊。

  4. 推動本地及海外移植醫學組織的學術與文化交流。

Welcome you to Hong Kong!

We are pleased to announce that the scientific program of CAST 2023 has been updated. Over 160 experts in the field have confirmed to participate in the 50 scientific program sessions.

Kindly note that early-bird registration is extended to 15 July. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with leading researchers and clinicians from around the world, to share knowledge and experience, and to forge new collaborations in the field of transplantation.

Stay tuned with us for the updated programme.

CAST 2023 Congress website:

Together with our organizing committee, we look forward to welcoming you in Hong Kong for CAST 2023!



c/o Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong,




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